Monday, October 20, 2008


So it's been a while since I've written something other than a School post, so I thought I would gie a little non-school update. It has been a little over two weeks since my knee surgery and things are going pretty well. I am so grateful for my mom, my dad, and my sister. I could not have gone through this surgery without them. It was a little bit more intense than I thought, but it worked out. I could not have done it without my family. I can't even express my grattitude!! My knee is healing and it seems to be healing pretty well. I am still in a pain and I'm having trouble sleeping, but it's still not too bad. The scar is the biggest I've ever had and it is looking pretty good. Here is a picture - I know, it's lovely! It actually looks a lot better when the tape has come off - which most of it has. The scar (8 inches long) is not as gross as I thought it would be, so I'm pleased. All in all, I'm healing well. I have been pretty limited in my activities, which is to be expected. However, i'm not letting it get me down (most of the time :)). I have been at home a lot and sleeping a LOT, but I figure it's a good thing.

This weekend was a great weekend. Tara and I went on two double dates, with the same guys, both Friday and Saturday night. We have just found this foursome to be so great. We all feel really comfortable around each other and we all have a really great time when we hang out. On Friday we were at our apartment and we ate dinner, played clue (I won - and cheated), and then watched a movie. Saturday was a GREAT day. I slept in until 10, talked to Jen on skype (heart you), read Breaking Dawn (again, I know, but I just can't resist Edward), watched Chuck, and THEN I took a two and a half hour nap. I was just oging to close my eyes really quick (3:19). Tara jumped in the shower and I was going to wake up when she got out. At 6:10, Tara tells me we are leaving to go to a movie in 45 minutes. So my short little nap turned out to be HUGE!!! Oh well - I liked it. Then we went and saw Wall-E. It was a good movie, but I was a little distracted... not by the cute guy I was sitting next to, but by my knee that hurt incredibly bad. Usually I keep my leg up and when I do, I feel a lot better. After sitting in the movie theater for 30 minutes, my leg hurt. And it hurt the rest of the time. Oh well, it was still a good movie.

Sunday was a great day as well. We had what I like to call a "Powerhouse Sunday". We had three great talks in Sacrament meeting and two great lessons in Sunday school and Relief Society. I love Sundays like these, the ones that make you want to dive into the scriptures and turn your heart to the Lord. I want to somehow make that happen every Sunday. I'm working on it. The rest of my Sunday was spent with friends. How blessed am I to have such wonderful friends!! I had the best time with my wonderfulo roommate Tara. We often talk about how blessed we are that the Lord lead us to be roommates. We always have such a wonderful time when we are together. There is never a dull moment. Yeah I know, great picture!!

We are discussing options of living together forever... well, actually just a little longer than we first thought. We want to live somewhere in Utah (maybe, not provo though) while I do my student teaching. Jen is going to come live with us again as well. Finally we will all be reunited!!

What a great weekend!


jenbwaite said...

1. way to have a good attitude!
2. the scar still grosses me out
3. love the picture
4. i'm sorry your leg hurt during the movie. that is so bad
5. YAYAYAYAY we are going to live together again!

Kellie said...

okay, that was so much fun for me to read and I love the pics! I'm envious of your church on Sunday--what I wouldn't give to have a lesson that I understood again! all in due time. I'm so glad your happy despite leg pains! Write me more about this "cute boy" you sitting next to at the movie! (wink, wink) Love ya!

Tara said...

YAY FOR LIVING TOGETHER! I heart you bad! I hope you get a noonie soon. *giggles* You make me so much happy...oh, and habi :)

Ellyn said...

oh yeah, and your favoritist almost sister in law came and visited you! It was SO good to see you! I miss you like CRAZY!!! We're totally hanging out when I'm in Indy over Christmas break.