Wednesday, December 10, 2008

almost done

School is winding down and winding down quickly. I think being out of class and in first grade for a month makes the rest of the semester speed up a bit. What an interesting semester it has been. I iwll have to write about it a little later.

Answers to internet questions: Here are a few of the sights that I went to...
Webcast 1: Privacy and the Internet Webcast 3: Intellectual Property
Webcast 6: Social Issues - safety podcast

It was interesting to read and watch some of the articles. It was a good reminder about how easy it is for kids to plagiarism. It is important for them to realize what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. These videos gave helpful ideas and tips on how to avoid getting into trouble. It is important for students to learn this. As a teacher, I can help.
Another issue they talked about were social issues and how easy it is to get in trouble on the internet. It is important for students to be aware of the dangers, but also be aware of the safety precautions they can take. For children in Elementary school, internet access is always available. If I can explain the warnings and the precautions, I can be a good influence for them.
All of these videos were helpful. Hopefully I can share these videos and advice with my students.

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