Thursday, November 13, 2008

week 3 in school

Wow, I can't believe it's already been three weeks since I have been in the school. Everyday I have another confirmation that I am doing the right thing with my life. I love going to school and being with the kids. I do wish I could get a little more sleep, but since when is that different than anything else in life? This week I used a powerpoint presentation in one of my lessons and the kids absolutely loved it. Our teacher had never used one before, so it was a new experience for them. It really kept their attention and I will for sure be using it again!!

In our math class right now, we are creating our own math tasks. I just love math. Sometimes I don't like going to class because I am way too tired, but I still love the concepts. With this task that we are creating, I feel like I have stretched my brain. I love learning new things in math and creating new ideas!! Fortunately I get to teach math for a living!! I haven't taught a math lesson in the classroom yet, but I get to next week and I am really excited. Hopefully it goes great!

This weekend my little brother is coming to visit and I am so excited. Family is just the best thing ever!! I can't wait to get a hug from my brother, mainly because he is the best hug giver ever!! He won't be here for very long, but I still can't wait to see him. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I also got to talk to my older brother today, which was wonderful. We just chit-chatted about random things that we both love. It always makes me super happy to talk to my family!! What a blessing!! Right now, I feel good about life. I feel very close to my Heavenly Father. It's truly amazing what he can help us do in our lives. I feel, everyday, that he wants me to do better. What a blessing it is that we can pray to him and ask him for advice, strength, and comfort.


jenbwaite said...

Em, you are amazing! I'm glad that life is going great, and that you can easily see the blessings in your life. Way to be optimistic!

Tara said...

Emmy! I heart you bad. I'm glad things are going better for ya these just stop being sick and things will really pick up! :) XOXO