Saturday, November 22, 2008

Last week

This was our last full week in the schools. We still have one more day left on Monday. I can't believe how fast this month has gone. It seems like I just got in the schools and now it's over. This week was really fun. I got to take a lot of pictures of the kids and they loved it. Maybe I will try and out some up soon.

My lessons all went pretty well this week, well all except the one that we had during the fire drill. I did realize that it is important not to joke with first graders during a fire drill. We finally made it outside, got a head count, and then were heading back into the school when one of our kids turns to me and says, "It wasn't a real fire, nothing is even on fire". I turned and said, in what I thought was a sarcastic voice (first graders can't tell the difference) and said, "yeah, it is real. Can't you see everything is on fire?". The little kid behind her turns to me with freaked out eyes and says, "EVERYTHING'S ON FIRE??!!! OH NO!!!!". Then it spread down the line... that was my own bad!!

We also had another adventure when I was getting observed during one of my lessons. I call the kids back to the table and all of the sudden one of the other students in the class starts throwing up on lots of things, fortunately no people, but it was still gross. Fortunately I had a good lesson planned. I had a powerpoint prepared and they seem to love those. They are always so interested in what is on the computer. Fortunately the lesson went really well, despite the nasty throw up smell. OH how I am going to miss 1st grade!!


Jen said...

holy cow, that went by fast! that is gross the kid through up right there in class. haha.

Tara said...

Aw...I can't believe your month is over. I'm going to miss all of the awesome stories you always had. *sighs* And yes...that's your own bad. hahahah. I'm so glad that phraseology has caught on! :) I heart you bad and I hope you can be satisfied with my lame stories in place of your kids least until you get to go back next semester! :) "You are my biggest fan" habi XOXOX